比如,在作答“Evaluate the extent to which new technology fostered change in United States industry from 1865 to 1900.”這一問題時,首先要明確自己的背景信息需要寫什么,是寫1865-1900時代的Gilded Age還是Trust等經(jīng)濟現(xiàn)象?其次自己的POV是什么,是具體寫哪一種new technology?再次,支持這種new technology的三個論據(jù)分別是什么,需要留學生對歷史事實有較為熟悉的掌握,才能“引經(jīng)據(jù)典”哦。
第二步,需要對各個環(huán)節(jié)內(nèi)容進行細化,主要包括例舉論據(jù)時的核心方式是什么,是否運用了College Board要求掌握的四大思維方式?(comparison,causation,continuity,change over time)
比如,大家在作答“如何評價制憲會議作為美國發(fā)展中的turning point?”時,在例舉論據(jù)時即可利用comparison這一思維技能,對Philadelphia Convention前后政治,經(jīng)濟等方面的變化進行對比分析。
比如,仍以上述問題為例,在展示對問題復雜性認識時,可以說雖然Philadelphia Convention確實是turning point,但并非在各個領域都展現(xiàn)出了相同的具有跨時代意義的進步性,比如在黑人問題與女權問題上并沒有明顯的改善(這就是復雜性的需要的論據(jù)咯!)
最后,給各位備考的考生一個彩蛋,Australiaway將為你發(fā)送上述舉例問題“Evaluate the extent to which the Constitution as written in 1789 marked a turning point for American political and social life,analyzing what changed and what stayed the same from the period before the Constitution to the period after it.”的參考論述題全文哦!對于大家熟悉論述題寫作套路,相信會有極大的幫助!
Evaluate the extent to which the Constitution as written in 1789 marked a turning point for American political and social life,analyzing what changed and what stayed the same from the period before the Constitution to the period after it.
The writing of the Constitution in 1789 marked a momentous turning point in American history. During the critical period between the end of the Revolutionary War and the Constitutional Convention, the Articles of Confederation established a firm league among thirteen sovereign states. The Constitution created a new national government based upon the principle that sovereignty rests upon the people not the states.
Although the Constitution did mark a political revolution, it did not initially begin a social revolution.
The Articles of Confederation created a Congress composed of delegates chosen by the state legislatures. The government lacked both executive and judicial branches.Congress had no authority to regulate trade between states or to raise revenue through taxes.
The weaknesses of the national Congress prevented it from dealing effectively with pressing economic problems. Faced with mounting debts, seven states began issuing paper money. For example, Rhode Island declared its paper money legal tender for all debts forcing creditors to flee the state.
The most alarming problem occurred in western Massachusetts. Unable to pay their debts to eastern bankers and merchants, desperate farmers demanded that the state legislature halt farm foreclosures and print paper money. Led by Daniel Shays, farmers closed a courthouse where creditors were suing to foreclose farm mortgages. When the national Congress proved unable to raise a militia to stop Shays, wealthy creditors assembled a privately paid force that crushed the rebellion.Shays’ Rebellion fueled dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation.
1787, 55 delegates from twelve states quickly resolved to abandon the Articles and create a new government. During about four months of intense give-and-take negotiations the delegates seized control of America’s destiny. They skillfully resolved contentious issues between large and small states and between Northern and Southern states. Their compromises distinguished the possible from the politically impossible.
The Constitution marked a fateful turning point in American political history. In a bold and unprecedented decision, the Framers transferred sovereignty from the states to the people. The new Constitution provided America with a flexible and enduring form of government that included an amendment process and a division of power among executive,legislative, and judicial branches tied together by a complex system of checks and balances. The Constitution gave Congress the power to levy taxes, declare war, and regulate interstate commerce.
Although the Constitution marked the beginning of momentous political changes, it did not mark the beginning of equally significant social changes. The revolutionary rhetoric about equality and natural rights did not change the status of women, Native Americans or most enslaved Africans. Women did not obtain new political rights as the Framers once again failed to remember the Ladies.Native Americans continued to lose their lands and their autonomy.Enslaved Africans did benefit from new emancipation laws in the North.However, over 90 percent of the slaves lived in the South where conditions did not change.